Tuesday, July 18, 2006


What?: What a strange heading you might say, however washing was a big part of life on the road.

You cannot go on the road for 7 weeks and 5 days and not wash. Though on the bus trip for 12 nights it was suggested that we bring enough clothes to last the whole time, as there would be little time for washing. I want to know how many families of four can pack for 12 nights with no washing?????

Where? sink, bowl, bath, washer/dryer combo, front loader/laundromat.

Now having washed in the bowl at Praiano and the sink and bath in several hotels I can tell you that your back aches from the bending over and then your hands ache from squeezing the water out. Washing at Praiano and in Paris was good as I could hang clothes out to dry, on the balcony in Praiano and in front of the open window in Paris. In hotel rooms it was hung in the bathroom and the light left on to encourage the drying. One morning in desperation I got up at 5am and dried unmentionables with the hairdryer. At another hotel the hair dryer was on a timer switch, so I just left it on and then came back and turned it on again - amazing how much warmer the bathroom can be with the help of the hair dryer. The washer/dryer in London and in Somerset both got good workouts and I like the idea, but it does take a long time to get a load of washing through. The one time I used the laundromat, I spent the waiting time checking email and blogging so that was the best wash I did.
I will never take my washing machine for granted again.

When? middle of the night/after a day on the road/early morning

At Oban the lady who ran the B&B washed and folded all our washing. At friends in South Humberside, UK our friend did the washing while we toured - very appreciated it was too.

The only one I did not try was the washing service in the hotels due to the cost per item. For instance $3 for one top. It is enough to make you wear dirty clothes!!


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